How to live a long and happy lifeWhat does it take to be happy? How do our culture and systems help / hinder us? What actions do we need to take to be happy in our world?Sep 11, 2024Sep 11, 2024
Published inThe Agile MindsetJobs to be Done in action: a real life exampleA worked example of how I’ve used the Jobs to be Done framework to map needs to jobs in a real problem space.Jun 11, 2024Jun 11, 2024
Published inThe Agile MindsetCan you explain the difference between a “Job to be Done” and a “need”?In Product Management we talk about the importance of focusing on user needs (or problems and desires). But then some people start talking…Apr 19, 2024Apr 19, 2024
Published inThe Agile MindsetDon’t use the phrase “Minimum Viable Product”I’m a big fan of Eric Ries and the Lean Startup. However I really wish he didn’t popularise the phrase “Minimal Viable Product”. I believe…Apr 2, 2024Apr 2, 2024
Published inThe Agile MindsetWhich Product Management framework to use whenThere are lots of different Product Management tools, techniques and frameworks out there that all seem to do different things. These…Mar 15, 2024Mar 15, 2024
Published inThe Agile MindsetNever stop problem discoveryThe product management process is quite long. We need to go through various phases where we understand customer needs (problem discovery)…Mar 6, 2024Mar 6, 2024
Published inThe Agile MindsetHow to structure your approach to Product Management: A double diamond viewA product manager is expected to do a whole range of things, from interviewing customers to building a product vision, from consulting…Feb 26, 2024Feb 26, 2024
Published inThe Agile MindsetAgile Coaches focus on the wrong thingsControversial thought: Agile Coaches spend too much time focused on team health and process; and not enough time on what it actually means…Jan 6, 20241Jan 6, 20241
Published inThe Agile MindsetThe 3 things required to make autonomy workWe are told that we need to give our employees autonomy. We are told that we are motivated by autonomy. But so often it fails to yield…Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023